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Spicy Vegan Fajitas

Spicy Vegan Fajitas

This dish is AMAZING! First time I tried baking my fajitas instead of the traditional frying pan. I would definitely make this recipe many more times to come. The best part about this recipe is that it is super easy to make, and it is quick and easy. Plus, making extra for tomorrows lunch is a MUST!

What I love the most about fajitas is that you can spice things up or turn the spice down a few notches. I know every time I make a fajita I change up my seasonings.


·      Colored peppers, red, yellow, orange
·      Onions
·      Cauliflower
·      Mushrooms
·      Habanero pepper
·      1 Tbsp. Chili powder
·      1 Tbsp. Ground Cumin
·      1 Tbsp. Garlic powder
·      1 Tbsp. Paprika
·      Salt (to taste)
·      1 Tbsp. Black pepper (to taste)
·      1 Tbsp. Oregano
·      1 Tbsp. Onion powder
·      1 Tbsp. Cayenne pepper
·      1 Tbsp. Cilantro
·      1 Tbsp. Chipotle Chile pepper
·      1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
·      ¼ cup of water


  1. Turn on the oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Prepare your cookie sheet with a sheet of tinfoil.
  3. Chop all of your vegetables for your fajitas, peppers, onions, and cauliflower.      Make sure the cauliflower is chopped up into small pieces.
  4. Put all your chopped vegetables into a large bowl.
  5. Now in a separate bowl measure all your seasoning, and mix them up together.
  6. Add your oil and water to the seasoning bowl, and mix together. Once blended add to your vegetables in the larger bowl.
  7. Stir around your vegetables until they are all coated.
  8. Pour the flavored vegetables onto the cookie sheet, and spread them out evenly.
  9. Place the cookie sheet into the oven to bake for 20 minutes or until your desired tenderness. 
  10. If you are adding some lettuce, tomatoes, or any other toppings. While the fajitas are cooking this is the time to get them ready!
  11. Once done serve. Enjoy!

     Post a comment or a picture of your spicy fajitas below, and share with me how you modified the recipe or made it just the way I wrote it. I love feed back! Stay tuned for the next healthy meal to be posted! 8-) 

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