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Week 4 Bringing Buff Back

Now she did not have much weight to lose as I do.
But she still looks phenomenal!
Friday, June 17th 
Today is my first day back in the gym from my intestinal inflaming. It felt GREAT! I completed 40 minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine. After completed some additional stretching on one of their machines. I can feel the stretch all the way down my lower back.  My goal in 8 weeks is to restart Jackie Warner's 4 week workout! But first I have to iron out some issues. 

Saturday, June 18th       8-))
I woke up extremely tight and sore. I started my day with Back Pain Yoga. The first pose where you put one leg on the other legs thigh, and try and grab your foot to stretch out. Oh Boy! I could barely touch my toes with only one hand LOL!! The second position where we put our feet together and bring them up to you. It felt like glass in my back and hips. The Lord of the Fishes pose, let me just say I can't really get into that position. I had to modify it to where I hold myself up with one arm and my hand holds my knee. LOL!! I kinda laughed when I found out how not flexible I am. The last pose was a Downward Dog, I was not able to really start from the beginning so I started it on the floor. It actually felt really good all 3 times. Today, I am going to take it easy and maybe go for a long walk. 

Sunday, June 19th     8-))
Yes, its Father's Day. So Happy Father's Day to all the father's out there! I am a sore so today but I don't want to over do it just yet. Today, I will just go for a walk around my neighborhood. My friend came over for a bbq, and the minute she looked at me she asked me if I had lost weight. I am THRILLED, and looking forward to taking my pictures and seeing a difference. 

Monday, June 20th
This is the beginning of week 4! Do you know what week it is? At the end of this week its time to remeasure and weigh myself. I am not going to lie I am a little scarred with all of my intestinal issues that I have been having since week 2. But I will not let that scare me! What ever it is, it is what it is. I can only get stronger if I keep moving forward! But I won't do that until Sunday this week. So I have a few more days to get on with my program!

On my way to the gym this morning. My goal today is to push myself and complete 1 hour of cardio. I may have to move around from one machine to the next. I have today off, and I want to make the best of it for the time that I am setting aside for myself before I go do errands or choirs around the house. Then after the gym I will do all of my yoga stretches for my back which is really helping me out. I think we are going to have to incorporate 2-3 days a week to just yoga for 4 weeks.


Never be afraid to try,

remember amateurs built the ark,

professionals built the Titanic.

Write by Anonymous 

My daughter had this saying in a picture frame in a box. Reading this gave me hope. I hope it does the same for you! 8-))


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