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What is a good protein

What is a good protein to eat? Some say hot dogs, and some may say luncheon meat. So there is no good answer. When you you pick out a nutrition program to follow each one of them have something different that you can choose for a protein.  Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, or whatever nutrition way that you follow there should be some guidelines to what is an excellent protein to  eat.

First, let's start off with why we eat protein, and why we need it in our daily diets. You see our bodies are designed to use protein to build and repair tissues such as bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and let's not forget our blood needs protein too. Our bodies also uses protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other bodily chemicals.  Let's not forget about our hair. It is important to eat protein in order to keep some hair on our heads unless you have a hair or skin disease. Protein helps keep those hairs in their place. Well definitely for me at least LOL. When I don't eat protein my hair easily falls out, and when I eat protein my hair grows back. Not all of it but you get the picture. So you would say protein has an important roll in our lives. It is important to eat some protein in each meal, for me three times a day whether it is meat or a vegan option. 

What is the best kind of protein? Personally, I don't think it matters what kind of protein you eat whether its fatty or not that is my personal opinion. But let's state the obvious every diet out there states low in fat. So that may rule out the hot dog and maybe a fatty slab of beef. You have to realize that when selecting the right protein that everyones bodies are different. For example, let's take me for an example. When I eat beef my body cannot easily digest beef products all that well and it takes weeks before that beef is digested. Because of this I don't eat beef all that often, and last week I enjoyed a hamburger. It was delicious burger but half way through I started to feel really full, and I threw the rest of my burger away. Then this rock like feeling hit my belly about 30 minutes after eating it, and then I felt really sick. It took a few days for this feeling to go away. It did get a little better after each waking hour but it took days before I felt normal. Not to mention when ever I eat beef I gain 5 lbs that day. When its all digested my 5 lbs goes away with it. So that right there tells me that beef is not the right protein for me. 

However, my friend Courtney is always telling me to try bison burger. Not going to lie but it sounded scary to eat beef from another animal. But I jumped in at the first opportunity I received and ordered one. All I can say is WOW! Its better then a hamburger from a cow! Its really that good! I did not gain my usual 5 lbs, and my stomach did not feel like something died in it. But I was really full but not painfully full if that makes any sense. Bison is lean, grass fed, free range, and on occasion I would eat this but not on a daily basis. 

White meats like chicken, and hens are a good choice but we don't need to consume as much as we do. Portion out your protein because believe it or not the amount we normally eat is way to much. I aim for 3-4 ounces (depending on your size your portion may be bigger then mine). They say "white meat" is good for us. I enjoy white meat but not on the daily I cut way back on all of my animal proteins this past year. 

Vegan's and Vegetarians all eat a different kind of protein and it is 100% plant based or grain. Depending on what nutrition plan you are following. Let's look at a grain for example, quinoa you can use it for a carb or for a source of protein. It has 14.1 grams of protein per serving. That says a lot right there. I use quinoa in soups, breads, cookies, and many other dishes. It is great even for a lettuce wrap. I like to use different kind's of protein when I make my meal plans for the week. Not every dish of mine is going to have animal protein involved. I find other sources of protein is just as great just without the belly ache of the fullness that you get when you eat meat. I am not here to tell you to quit eating what you love. I am just simply asking you to try new things. We are all creatures of habit, and once we are in a habit its hard to veer off into another direction. Trust me, I know what I am talking about when it comes to eating food. When I found out I am allergic/intolerant to several food groups. I would sit there looking into my refrigerator and finding nothing I could eat. Everything that I was accustom too was no longer allowed for my body. That year was the hardest year of my life learning to eat new foods that I never even eaten before. Learning to eat my veggies and try new things was unheard of. I am a very picky eater and when my world was rocked with allergies I had to learn to overcome my fears and learn new habits. 

Here is a page that has a list of good protein vegan or meat listed, check it out:

If you are in need of some vegan proteins check out this page: 

If you are looking for vegetarian sources of protein check out this page:

Last but not least, let's talk about fish. Fish is a great source of protein. Now, me personally I believe wild is better then farmed fish. I only buy wild, and there is a lot of controversy over eating fish two times a week or daily. Let's face it just like any other animal or plant. The fish in the water still contaminated with man made chemicals no different from anything else we eat. With that being said for me personally, I still eat fish just not as much. Maybe a few times a month. After watching River Monster's new show on how health is our waters. It made me think....a lot...and whether its fish or animals me personally I say we should cut back and let our Mother Earth replenish what we have taken for granted. Just by cutting out animal meat few meals, and replace with a plant based protein will help Mother Earth and your weight loss journey. You will be amazed on how you don't miss eating that much animal protein. My first month I kept trying to pick up meat to cook it with my meal, and at first it felt odd. But after a few weeks I stopped missing it and just enjoyed a great meal. 

In the end, protein is very important to help our bodies function, and protein can make a dish yummy!  Whether its from an animal, fish, or plant based. Our bodies needs protein in order for our bodies to do their jobs right on the inside. 

If you would like to follow me and see what I am doing daily in my weight loss journey please follow my Facebook Page: I am also working on bringing my likes up for my page. Please swing bye and like my page.

If you are currently working on weight loss or a life style change for the healthier please join my community:  We do fitness challenges, post recipes, encouragement, inspiration, and tons of other things to help you along your journey.  All you have to lose is weight! LOL 


  1. Thank you for the article, it is a very good read. I tend to get my proteins from many sources myself, but for me personally plant based proteins tend to sit heavy on my stomach and bloat me. So for me personally I tend to go more animal based protein, and add it plant based proteins here and there from nuts, seeds, quinoa, protein pasta made from several plants. What I like to say is do what is best for you and not what others do. Thank you again! :)


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