This week was a rough one for sure. You see my father-in-law Greg died this week shorty after our vacation up north. We did not expect him to leave us so sudden. Which led me to a little bit of emotional eating instead of dealing with my pain. When I recognized what I was doing I stopped, and assessed the situation. All I needed to do was to talk about happy memories, and cry a little bit. I feel like I am a little numb on the inside...I can't let emotional eating steer me away from my goals no matter how painful a death can be. I know one day I will see him again in heaven. Until that day comes I need to focus on a healthier lifestyle, and reaching my weight loss goal. Not to mention I am sure he would be very sad if I did not stay my course.... I know death is hard to deal with when someone so close to you passes on. I can't express how painful it is until you actually have gone through a tragedy like this. Some people quit eating, others over eat, and its easier to not focus when you are numb. On the other hand, your loved one would hate to see you not reach your goal. It may not be easy but snacking on healthy foods instead of nachos or pizza is a better choice. If you are having a hard time eating take a few bites here and there. Its best to take it one small step at a time then nothing at all.
Right now as I sit here typing away I am thinking about my 25 minute workout for the day. I need to get that done before I do anything else. That is important! When I am finished then I get cleaned up, and then I focus on what I am going to eat for the rest of my day. I grab a notebook and start planning on what veggies I am going to incorporate for today, and what protein. Then from there I will either make a salad or a meal depending on what I am in the mood for. Plus, it also depends how hot it is outside. We were just in a heat wave and trust me I don't like to eat anything heavy when its super hot outside. Those are the days it is a quick salad with some fresh fruit. Something easy that I don't have to cook. But yesterday the heat wave broke and now we are back in the 70's to mid 80's with a cool breeze. I just love those days don't you? That is a perfect day to take out your bike and ride it around the town or go for a long walk. Its not to hot but its the right weather.
This week my focus will be making my zucchini quinoa bread and mastering the recipe to share with everyone. This is a super simple bread that you can make the only exception is when I made it the first time there was no seasonings or anything in it, and that my friend made it so bland that I did not like it at all! Now that I've tried someone else recipe its time for me to get to work and recreate this recipe into something super yummy and filling! Wish me luck!! I've been craving zucchini bread for a long time and decided lets see if I can make this a super healthy snack! I will be posting this in a few days.
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