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Showing posts from 2016

End of Week 4 Results

Joanne Greggins back in the 80's Fitness Trainer When I was growing up I always caught my mother doing all of Joanne Greggins and Jane Fonda's videos early in the morning. I was intrigued, after school I would do all of my mother's videos before anyone got home. I did that for years! I was in the best shape! Now I am looking to push beyond my younger years, and prove to myself that YES I can do ANYTHING, and I will find my buff body!  Tuesday, June 21st Today I worked on doing 30 minutes of yoga, and 30 minutes of cardio. I think this week I am going to try to do something totally crazy!! I am going to do a brief video of me working out at the gym, and see if I can attach it to this blog! Also, I am going to start posting some recipes for a healthy quick meals! Yummy!! Wednesday-Sunday: I walked 2 miles each day. On a previous blog I had talked about how much television are you watching? I added up my numbers for the week, and felt ill when I ...

Week 4 Vision Board

Seeing changes makes me a believer! Personally, I am starting out on the far right side Morbid Obesity. My goal is to be BUFF! Ha Ha! This is not your typical blog that talks about how things are great, and how I got my hard body in 120 days! I wish it were that easy! For a few months I went around reading what other people were saying. I found a lot that did not talk about the struggles or the pain. I want to make sure that I add every detail as possible because going from one place into a healthier place is going to be a journey, and we want to make sure we are covering every detail of that journey. The one thing I did not like about their blogs' was the fact they did not have a lot of pictures. I want to see how they changed through out the whole process. I want to see pictures with proper lighting, in the same clothes. Oh, boy! My clothes were my bathing suit!! LOL If I am going to do this right then I will have to put it on every month to see the difference...

Week 4 Bringing Buff Back

Now she did not have much weight to lose as I do. But she still looks phenomenal! Friday, June 17th  Today is my first day back in the gym from my intestinal inflaming. It felt GREAT! I completed 40 minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine. After completed some additional stretching on one of their machines. I can feel the stretch all the way down my lower back.  My goal in 8 weeks is to restart Jackie Warner's 4 week workout! But first I have to iron out some issues.  Saturday, June 18th       8-)) I woke up extremely tight and sore. I started my day with Back Pain Yoga. The first pose where you put one leg on the other legs thigh, and try and grab your foot to stretch out. Oh Boy! I could barely touch my toes with only one hand LOL!! The second position where we put our feet together and bring them up to you. It felt like glass in my back and hips. The Lord of the Fishes pose, let me just say I can't really get into that position. I had...

Back Pain

Taking it one day at a time until I look like this! WEEK 3 Since I started my journey in finding my buff body I have been experiencing issue with my intestines. I've cut back on my workout schedule in hopes of everything calming down and going away, but that is not the case. This journey is going to take a minute to get through all my qualms with my body. I knew this would not be a cakewalk however I am really focused on changing my body and concurring my immune system! I will take ½ of a Benadryl tablet for the rest of this week in hopes of getting my immune system to stop attacking, and calm down. In a week if they are not better I will be making an appointment with my doctor for additional help. On the bad side of taking this the medication makes me feel like I have a hangover, and if I am taking it for a week. I can’t even imagine how I am even going to stay awake! My goal here is to try and do some cardio with some lower back yoga stretches to see if this wil...