Week 1
Week one is here, and
here we go!
Below is the list of 13
exercises that will be done 2x's a week on Monday & Thursdays (work best
for my schedule), and the rest of the week will be cardio, and stretching. For
the first two weeks the goal is to do one set of 20 for each exercise even if
it has to be modified. It has to be done! Five days a week will be at least 30
minutes of cardio. Even if you do 10 minutes riding a bike, another 10 minutes
walking, and the last 10 minutes on an elliptical. However you want to do your
cardio just know it has to be done. The same thing with stretching you are
going to need to stretch out your muscles to break up the lactic acid in which
causes some discomfort when first starting out on an exercise program. Plus, we
also need our joints to move around like they are supposed to and not tighten
up as we move forward in life. But the good news is you have the weekends off!
When you start a workout
program do not over do it! There are so many personal trainers, and T.V.
programs where you see them work the crap out of their clients. What happens
when you over do a workout? You can’t walk for a few days because you are way
to sore, and it hurts to stretch out. This is my point, if you are out of shape
and want to change your life. Start out slow such as working towards 30 minutes
of cardio 3-5 days a week, 15-30 minutes of stretching or yoga, and twice a
week you will incorporate a total body workout that will help you find your
Buff Body! It does not have to be done all at once. For example, I wake up 30
minutes earlier in the morning so I can sit up and drink a cup of coffee. After
about 15 minutes then I complete 15-30 minute yoga or stretching. Doing
something is better then doing nothing. Then after work, I go straight to the
gym to complete 30 minutes of cardio, and then go home to make dinner. Except
on Monday’s and Thursday’s after I complete my cardio then I am on the mats
with 2 ½-5 lbs weights to complete my total body workout.
Before you start any
workout always check with your doctor. Now in reality, I am not sure why they
say this because everyone needs to workout you just need to be honest with your
doctor and tell him or her what you are doing. I tell my doctors everything no
matter what the topic is. I will even write a list of questions, and bring in
test information that I would like done. I do my research! It’s a two way
street when it comes to your life. Trust me when I say this. It took over 17
years for me to find my diagnosis of being allergic to food. There are several
doctors out there who are not willing to listen, and if they don’t listen to
you then you have to fire them and hire a new one that will listen. Anyways
enough of that lets make sure you tell your donctor, and now lets get back on
Here is a list of 12
exercises that are to be done twice a week. Because I cannot do a push up on a
ball or a regular push up I added plank to our list because we need to build
some core muscles. So now there are a total of 13 exercises.
Training Log:
Monday, May 30, 2016
- 35 Minutes on Elliptical- completed 2 miles This was hard to do but I managed to do an extra 5 minute cool down.
- Did one set of 20 of Jackie’s exercises. I am not going to lie it was the hardest thing that I had to do! My arms were shaking, my muscles were burning, but I pushed through the burn because I am finding my buff body! No pain no gain....right! Well that is until you talk to me tomorrow. Ha Ha!
- I did modify a few exercises today. The first one is #1 Single-Leg with Rear-Delt Flyes. I seem to have lost my balance this one was very hard for me to do but I did the best that I can. I ended up not leaning over as much its like I am almost standing. This one will need work.
- The second one that I had issues with is Jackknife Pullovers. That is where you are lying on the ground with one knee bent, and the other leg is straight. Your arms are above your head with weights (I used 2 1/2 lbs weights for this whole workout). You raise your first leg up with both of your arms but you are also raising your shoulders off of the ground. Then you go back and do it again. I have lost all of my flexibility I started cramping in my chest & my hamstrings. I did one set of 20 but I had to take mini breaks to stretch out all of my cramps.
- The third one is Jackknife Flyes. That is also lying on the ground straight with your arms out to the side with weights. Suck in your gut, raise your legs together all the way up to meet your arms in a straight position above you. I had a lot of cramps while trying to do this one so I had to take one stretch break to get all of the cramps gone before I completed this.
- The forth one is Single-Arm Knee-Touch Extensions. That is where you are on your hands and knees. Then you take your right arm, and your left leg and point them straight out while the others are holding you up. Then you bring them back to the starting position but this time you are taking your elbow and touching your knee. Then you start all over. I had a huge problem getting my elbow to touch my knee. I think my body is so tight that I couldn't even get them to touch. Plus, I also had issues with a lot of cramps so I had to do a few, stretch out, and do a few more until I reached 20 on each side.
- The fifth exercise that was the worst out of all of them was the Reverse-Crunch Push-Ups with a Large Ball. Yes, that is when your feet are on top of a large ball, and you are in the push up position. I found that I was unable to do a push up so I got rid of the ball, and still found out that I could not do a push up. I did complete 6 push ups but my whole body was shaking, and sweat was just pouring off of me all over the matt. So my lovely daughter Renee made me add Plank to this work out because I have very week core muscles. We completed 2 of them my first one I held for 20 seconds, and the second one she made me laugh and my arms gave out at 15 seconds.
- My final thoughts about today's workout I have to say it was really hard but when I finished the last exercise the feeling of self confidence just radiated off of me. I know that all around the room there were buff bodies everywhere working out, and I believe I was the only one making all the noise in the room. Ha Ha!! I set a goal, and I am going to see this all the way to the end! I will find my buff body, will you find yours? Thursday let's do it AGAIN!!
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical + 5 minutes of cool down
Tuesday, May 31, 2016- Remember to add a smilie face when you are sore! Well I added a bunch because I am super sore!
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Completed yoga at 7am! Let me tell you how hard it was! I could not move! I felt like the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed oil to move his joints! So glad I only did one set to start.
- 30 Minutes on Treadmill + 5 minutes of cool down
- Last night I slept like crap! All of my muscles were tightening up after my first workout. Tossed & turned all night. Very tired this morning, but I completed my yoga anyways. Figures that this mornings yoga is to wrap yourself up like a pretzel. This is something I cannot do I ended up modifying each position this morning to only what my body could do which was not much. Looking forward to being able to have more mobility because right now I do not have any! Tonight before dinner will be going to the gym to finish my cardio.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Completed yoga at 7am! Let me tell you how hard it was! I could not move! I felt like the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed oil to move his joints! So glad I only did one set to start.
- Last night I slept like crap! All of my muscles were tightening up after my first workout. Tossed & turned all night. Very tired this morning, but I completed my yoga anyways. Figures that this mornings yoga is to wrap yourself up like a pretzel. This is something I cannot do I ended up modifying each position this morning to only what my body could do which was not much. Looking forward to being able to have more mobility because right now I do not have any! Tonight before dinner will be going to the gym to finish my cardio.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016-
Not to sore today I am surprised! I added one large smilie face to indicate not to sore but still sore. If that makes any sense.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Still had to modify all of the moves this morning.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- Did all 9 of Jackie’s exercises
Friday, June 3, 2016
Yep! I am back to being sore again! Added more smilie faces.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga
Saturday, June 4, 2016
- Whoooooo Hooooooooo! I made it to the Weekend!
- Weekend!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
- 30 minutes Cardio
- 20 minutes stretching
My goal is to run a 5k I don't know how long it will take me to build up to that point. I guess I can make plans to run the 5k at FARE Walk for Food Allergies in October 9th at Stoney Creek Metropark-Eastwood Beach. That gives me 17 weeks! Worst case I will run as much as I can, and walk the rest if need be. But i am doing it!
Here is how to do each one of Jackie Warner's exerciseFitnessRx FOR WOMEN! February 2010. (You can click the name of the magazine it will take you to where urchase it if you need a copy).
Week one is here, and
here we go!
Below is the list of 13
exercises that will be done 2x's a week on Monday & Thursdays (work best
for my schedule), and the rest of the week will be cardio, and stretching. For
the first two weeks the goal is to do one set of 20 for each exercise even if
it has to be modified. It has to be done! Five days a week will be at least 30
minutes of cardio. Even if you do 10 minutes riding a bike, another 10 minutes
walking, and the last 10 minutes on an elliptical. However you want to do your
cardio just know it has to be done. The same thing with stretching you are
going to need to stretch out your muscles to break up the lactic acid in which
causes some discomfort when first starting out on an exercise program. Plus, we
also need our joints to move around like they are supposed to and not tighten
up as we move forward in life. But the good news is you have the weekends off!
When you start a workout
program do not over do it! There are so many personal trainers, and T.V.
programs where you see them work the crap out of their clients. What happens
when you over do a workout? You can’t walk for a few days because you are way
to sore, and it hurts to stretch out. This is my point, if you are out of shape
and want to change your life. Start out slow such as working towards 30 minutes
of cardio 3-5 days a week, 15-30 minutes of stretching or yoga, and twice a
week you will incorporate a total body workout that will help you find your
Buff Body! It does not have to be done all at once. For example, I wake up 30
minutes earlier in the morning so I can sit up and drink a cup of coffee. After
about 15 minutes then I complete 15-30 minute yoga or stretching. Doing
something is better then doing nothing. Then after work, I go straight to the
gym to complete 30 minutes of cardio, and then go home to make dinner. Except
on Monday’s and Thursday’s after I complete my cardio then I am on the mats
with 2 ½-5 lbs weights to complete my total body workout.
Before you start any
workout always check with your doctor. Now in reality, I am not sure why they
say this because everyone needs to workout you just need to be honest with your
doctor and tell him or her what you are doing. I tell my doctors everything no
matter what the topic is. I will even write a list of questions, and bring in
test information that I would like done. I do my research! It’s a two way
street when it comes to your life. Trust me when I say this. It took over 17
years for me to find my diagnosis of being allergic to food. There are several
doctors out there who are not willing to listen, and if they don’t listen to
you then you have to fire them and hire a new one that will listen. Anyways
enough of that lets make sure you tell your donctor, and now lets get back on
Here is a list of 12
exercises that are to be done twice a week. Because I cannot do a push up on a
ball or a regular push up I added plank to our list because we need to build
some core muscles. So now there are a total of 13 exercises.
Training Log:
Monday, May 30, 2016- 35 Minutes on Elliptical- completed 2 miles This was hard to do but I managed to do an extra 5 minute cool down.
- Did one set of 20 of Jackie’s exercises. I am not going to lie it was the hardest thing that I had to do! My arms were shaking, my muscles were burning, but I pushed through the burn because I am finding my buff body! No pain no gain....right! Well that is until you talk to me tomorrow. Ha Ha!
- I did modify a few exercises today. The first one is #1 Single-Leg with Rear-Delt Flyes. I seem to have lost my balance this one was very hard for me to do but I did the best that I can. I ended up not leaning over as much its like I am almost standing. This one will need work.
- The second one that I had issues with is Jackknife Pullovers. That is where you are lying on the ground with one knee bent, and the other leg is straight. Your arms are above your head with weights (I used 2 1/2 lbs weights for this whole workout). You raise your first leg up with both of your arms but you are also raising your shoulders off of the ground. Then you go back and do it again. I have lost all of my flexibility I started cramping in my chest & my hamstrings. I did one set of 20 but I had to take mini breaks to stretch out all of my cramps.
- The third one is Jackknife Flyes. That is also lying on the ground straight with your arms out to the side with weights. Suck in your gut, raise your legs together all the way up to meet your arms in a straight position above you. I had a lot of cramps while trying to do this one so I had to take one stretch break to get all of the cramps gone before I completed this.
- The forth one is Single-Arm Knee-Touch Extensions. That is where you are on your hands and knees. Then you take your right arm, and your left leg and point them straight out while the others are holding you up. Then you bring them back to the starting position but this time you are taking your elbow and touching your knee. Then you start all over. I had a huge problem getting my elbow to touch my knee. I think my body is so tight that I couldn't even get them to touch. Plus, I also had issues with a lot of cramps so I had to do a few, stretch out, and do a few more until I reached 20 on each side.
- The fifth exercise that was the worst out of all of them was the Reverse-Crunch Push-Ups with a Large Ball. Yes, that is when your feet are on top of a large ball, and you are in the push up position. I found that I was unable to do a push up so I got rid of the ball, and still found out that I could not do a push up. I did complete 6 push ups but my whole body was shaking, and sweat was just pouring off of me all over the matt. So my lovely daughter Renee made me add Plank to this work out because I have very week core muscles. We completed 2 of them my first one I held for 20 seconds, and the second one she made me laugh and my arms gave out at 15 seconds.
- My final thoughts about today's workout I have to say it was really hard but when I finished the last exercise the feeling of self confidence just radiated off of me. I know that all around the room there were buff bodies everywhere working out, and I believe I was the only one making all the noise in the room. Ha Ha!! I set a goal, and I am going to see this all the way to the end! I will find my buff body, will you find yours? Thursday let's do it AGAIN!!
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical + 5 minutes of cool down
Tuesday, May 31, 2016- Remember to add a smilie face when you are sore! Well I added a bunch because I am super sore!
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Completed yoga at 7am! Let me tell you how hard it was! I could not move! I felt like the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed oil to move his joints! So glad I only did one set to start.
- 30 Minutes on Treadmill + 5 minutes of cool down
- Last night I slept like crap! All of my muscles were tightening up after my first workout. Tossed & turned all night. Very tired this morning, but I completed my yoga anyways. Figures that this mornings yoga is to wrap yourself up like a pretzel. This is something I cannot do I ended up modifying each position this morning to only what my body could do which was not much. Looking forward to being able to have more mobility because right now I do not have any! Tonight before dinner will be going to the gym to finish my cardio.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Completed yoga at 7am! Let me tell you how hard it was! I could not move! I felt like the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed oil to move his joints! So glad I only did one set to start.
- Last night I slept like crap! All of my muscles were tightening up after my first workout. Tossed & turned all night. Very tired this morning, but I completed my yoga anyways. Figures that this mornings yoga is to wrap yourself up like a pretzel. This is something I cannot do I ended up modifying each position this morning to only what my body could do which was not much. Looking forward to being able to have more mobility because right now I do not have any! Tonight before dinner will be going to the gym to finish my cardio.
Not to sore today I am surprised! I added one large smilie face to indicate not to sore but still sore. If that makes any sense.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga-Still had to modify all of the moves this morning.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- Did all 9 of Jackie’s exercises
Friday, June 3, 2016
Yep! I am back to being sore again! Added more smilie faces.
- 30 Minutes on Elliptical
- 30 Minutes of Yoga
Saturday, June 4, 2016
- Whoooooo Hooooooooo! I made it to the Weekend!
- Weekend!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
- 30 minutes Cardio
- 20 minutes stretching
Here is how to do each one of Jackie Warner's exerciseFitnessRx FOR WOMEN! February 2010. (You can click the name of the magazine it will take you to where urchase it if you need a copy).
1. Single-Leg Raises with Rear-Deltoid Flies: 3
sets of 20
2. Backward Lunges with Biceps Curls: 3 sets
of 20
3. Stiff-Leg Deadlifts with Dumbbell Front Raises:
3 sets of 20
4. Deadlifts with Front Raises: 3 sets of 20
5. Standing Calf Raises with Overhead Triceps
Extensions: 3 sets of 20
6. Sumo-Squats with Lateral Raises: 3 sets of
7. Jackknife Pullovers: 3 sets of 20
8. Squat with Military Press: 3 sets of 20
9. Jackknife Fly: 3 sets of 20
10. Bridge with Triceps Head bangers: 3 sets
of 20
11. Single-Arm Knee-Touch Extensions: 3 sets
of 20
12. Reveres-Crunch Pushups with ball: 3 sets of 20
13. Plank: 3 sets **Added on**
13. Plank: 3 sets **Added on**
***If you are anything like me you are going to need
pictures to look at. You can Google the magazine to purchase or go to your library
and find a copy! That way it’s easy enough to bring with you to the gym to work
Remember a few rules that we talked about on the last post? Eat all your meals on a salad plate, and no refined sugar. This week I've double checked everything that I wanted to consume to verify there is no sugar of any kind. The only thing I used was honey for my breakfast coffee. I had to get rid of my coffee creamer because it had sugar.
To make things a lot easier I eat the same breakfast in the morning. Plus, when I cook dinner I usually make extra so I can just repeat my meals or change up my meals but with the same protein. Makes it a lot easier especially when dealing with food allergies or any diet that you decided to follow. Over the years I've learned to adapt to making my life easier when I make meals I automatically cook extra.
goes nothing! Day one, because it’s a holiday and I was busy I did not prepare
myself like I had hoped to be. I am out of honey and my brown rice bread. To
top things off I have eosinophilic esophagitis which means my esophagus constricts
and causes a lot of chest pain, burning in my chest, and discomfort. Today,
while I am eating my breakfast it decides to start constricting. Very
uncomfortable, making it hard to eat my food because my esophagus will not let
food pass. I will have to wait before finishing my breakfast. Here is the thing, this is making me upset at this moment because everything I am eating I am not
allergic too. I don’t know what its problem is this morning. Sometimes this
happens and bottom line is I probably came in contact with something I am allergic
too. I just don’t know how I came in contact with it. I did go to a party last
night and even though I was very careful sometimes it just happens. I refuse to
live in a bubble so this is the risk I have to take. Usually, I am pretty good
at limiting my risk but sometimes you lose, and today I lost.
I am
not going to let my immune system hold me back from completing day one. I did
not finish eating my food for breakfast but I did wrap it up for later today. I
will bring an apple with me incase I feel better, and in need of more nutrients
while doing an invigorous workout. This is what its going to take finding my
buff body! BRING IT!!
I am
not going to let my immune system hold me back from completing day one. I did
not finish eating my food for breakfast but I did wrap it up for later today. I
will bring an apple with me incase I feel better, and in need of more nutrients
while doing an invigorous workout. This is what its going to take finding my
buff body! BRING IT!!
The last one we added to this workout is Plank. Set your phone clock to stopwatch, and when you are in position hit start. Its okay if you don't make it long because I sure didn't. Its a base line and when we continue to do this program you will find yourself increasing the amount of seconds while holding this position. We did 2 sets.
Monday, May 30, 2016
- 9am: 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 930am: 1 small plain sweet potato, 3 ounces grilled chicken, 2 large grilled carrots. -Did not even eat 1/2 I had esophagus issues.
- 1pm: Finished my breakfast-Ate the other 1/2 of feeling better
- 430pm: apple, and a glass of water
- 630pm: 3 ounces of grilled chicken, carrots, and 1 small sweet potato.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
- 6am: 1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 630am: 2 piece of lite rice bread toasted with butter.
- 10am: 1 cup strawberries
- 11am: 1 cup watermelon
- 12am: 7 gluten-free chicken nuggets with Vegenaise mayo, and hot sauce.
- 1230am: small apple-Today I am hungry!!
- 6pm: 2 brats grilled, with 2 pieces of lite rice bread with Vegenaise mayo & mustard. I just want to add that I felt like I was starving all day. Even after I ate my dinner. I slammed a glass of water, and went and took a shower. I did not eat for the rest of the night. This was a challenge! There are many times that normally I would just give up and eat something until I was satisfied however, I am trying to stay focused on finding the best body ever and I need to try and keep myself focused.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
- 7am: 1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon honey & 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 730am: 2 piece of rice bread toasted with coconut butter & cherry jelly (no sugar added).
- 8am: grapes
- 11am: hamburger no bun, and a few french fries, and because I don't drink diet pop no more because of all the bad chemicals that are in it I did fill a small cup full of ice and filled it half way with regular coke. Yes I know it has sugar but I could not find the water on the machine, and there was no freshly brewed ice tea.
- I did take the kid's to Dairy Queen after lunch. My first question was "do you have a cold bottle of water"? That is what I am ordering for myself. Not to mention I am allergic to dairy but they do sell dairy free ice-cream at the store, but it does have twice the calories!
Thursday, June 2, 2016
- 7am: 1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon honey & 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 730am: 1 piece of rice bread toasted with grilled apple & cinnamon no butter.
- 10am: strawberries
- 12pm: 2 cups of lettuce, grilled chicken, cucumber, avocado, colored peppers, and Italian dressing (1 tablespoon mixed with a little bit of water so every lettuce is covered! LOL)
- 3pm: Grapes
- 6pm: 2 cups of lettuce, grilled chicken, cucumber, avocado, colored peppers, and Italian dressing
Friday, June 3, 2016
- 7am: 1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon honey & 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 730am: 1 piece of rice bread toasted with grilled apple & cinnamon no butter.
- 10am: apple
- 12pm:2 cups of lettuce, grilled chicken, cucumber, colored peppers, and Italian dressing
- 3pm: apple
- 6pm: grilled salmon, asparagus, small sweet potato, and a small side salad with a splash of Italian dressing.
- 8pm: went out to a bar to celebrate my friend's divorce and had 2 vodka & cranberry drinks with 3 glasses of water.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
- Weekend!
- After I ate all day because Jackie Warner's article said to eat what ever on the weekends. That is not going to work for me. I snacked, and snacked all day! For me, I am going to have to stay on target with my eating but if I want to add in a allergy-free lasagna for a meal I will just do that. I ate all day!! The worst part I ate so much I did not write everything down! LOL shame on me!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
- Weekend!
- 8am: 1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon honey & 1 teaspoon of dry creamer dairy free.
- 830am: My allergy-free breakfast bar.
- 10am: strawberries
- 12pm: 2 cups of lettuce, grilled chicken, cucumber, strawberries, and Italian dressing.
- 3pm: grapes
- 6pm: Tilapia fish baked, asparagus, side salad with Italian dressing.
This next week I will do better with my eating! I don't know what happen I felt like I did not have a lot of stuff even though I thought I was prepared for the week. This weeks goal is to continue to work out, and get a better eating schedule.
At night has been a challenge not to eat but I did manage to avoid eating past 7pm every night! I drink more water, and brush my teeth.
Now before we call it the end I have to share with you where I am at physically, and what I look like. This is no easy task that is for sure! My stomachs upset just thinking about what I am about to do.
![]() |
Guess which one is me? |
Neck: 14 1/2
Chest: 46
Right Arm: 15 1/2
Left Arm: 15 1/2
Midriff: 37
Waist: 37 1/4
Abdominal: 47 1/2
Hips: 44
Right Leg: 28
Left Leg: 28 1/2
Right Calf: 17
Left Calf: 16 1/4
Weight: 219.0
The next time I post my measurements along with my weight will be on week 4. My fitness goal for week 4 is to be doing 2 sets of 20 on all her exercises. Then I will switch it up for another 4 weeks, and when we go back to Jackie's exercises on week 9 we should all be able to push ourselves to complete 3 sets of 20!!
I took these pictures one week before I made this blog. We were at a conference in Traverse City, and the bathroom had a huge mirror.
Here is a better picture of my arms.
Here is something that I found for encouragement.
The difficult road is changing your life, and making it better. By challenging yourself can often lead to a beautiful destinations which in this challenge is finding our buff bodies! I know there are a lot of challenges that we will face along the way such as over eating, eating late at night, or maybe you did not work out as hard as you should. That's okay! Its okay to fall just get back up and push forward. Nothing in life was made easy but if you keep working at something no matter how hard it is you will have this HUGE since of accomplishment that NO ONE can ever take away from you! I did it! I published my first book called Living With Severe Food Allergies on Amazon. Let me tell you that was not an easy thing to do! It took me 3 years to write that book. If it was easy we would take everything for granted. Because we have to struggle along the way, makes the reward so much better! Hope that makes since. See you next week!
This is a new blog for me so if there are some errors just know that I am working on them. I can't seem to figure out why some areas are spaced apart so far but when I go in to modify they are not there. Who knows?
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Picture of Jackie Warner from T.V. Guide |
This is a new blog for me so if there are some errors just know that I am working on them. I can't seem to figure out why some areas are spaced apart so far but when I go in to modify they are not there. Who knows?
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