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Total Body Workout

Total Body Workout
Monday & Thursday’s

Here is a list of each exercise that we will be doing for the next 4 weeks. I found Jackie Warner's exercises in the magazine called FitnessRx FOR WOMEN! February 2010 issue. (*Version*=1&*entries*=0).

1.    Single-Leg Raises with Rear-Deltoid Flies:  3 sets of 20
2.    Backward Lunges with Biceps Curls:  3 sets of 20
3.    Stiff-Leg Deadlifts with Dumbbell Front Raises:  3 sets of 20
4.    Deadlifts with Front Raises:  3 sets of 20
5.    Standing Calf Raises with Overhead Triceps Extensions:  3 sets of 20
6.    Sumo-Squats with Lateral Raises:  3 sets of 20
7.    Jackknife Pullovers:  3 sets of 20
8.    Squat with Military Press:  3 sets of 20
9.    Jackknife Fly: 3 sets of 20
10.Bridge with Triceps Head bangers:  3 sets of 20
11.Single-Arm Knee-Touch Extensions:  3 sets of 20
12.Reveres-Crunch Pushups with ball: 3 sets of 20
13.Plank: 3 sets   **Added on**

***If you are anything like me you will need pictures to look at while you are at the gym. You can Google the magazine to purchase or go to your library and find a copy! That way it’s easy enough to bring it with you to the gym as a reference guide***

Remember a few rules that we talked about on the last post? Eat all your meals on a salad plate, and no refined sugar.  This week I've double-checked everything that I wanted to consume to verify there is no sugar of any kind. The only thing I used was honey for my breakfast coffee. I had to get rid of my coffee creamer because it had sugar. 

To make things a lot easier I eat the same breakfast in the morning. Plus, when I cook dinner I usually make extra so I can just repeat my meals or change up my meals but with the same protein. Makes it a lot easier especially when dealing with food allergies or any diet that you decided to follow.  Over the years I've learned to adapt to making my life easier when I am making meals I automatically cook extra. 

Take a look at the pictures of the pages from the the magazine FitnessRx FOR WOMEN! February 2010. This is a preview of what we will be doing.


The last one we added to this workout is Plank. Set your phone clock to stopwatch, and when you are in position hit start. Its okay if you don't make it long because I sure didn't. It’s a base line and when we continue to do this program you will find yourself increasing the amount of seconds while holding this position. We tried this one 2 times to get a good reading on how long we can hold this position (which was not long ha ha). 

Looking forward to finding our buff bodies! Good luck!


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